I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, dedicated to providing compassionate and supportive counseling and psychotherapy for my clients. I work with individuals for both short term counseling and longer term depth psychotherapy. As a couples counselor, I provide counseling services for couples dealing with a wide variety of relationship issues, including couples struggling with high conflict or trying to recover from infidelity. I have trained in EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples) with Sue Johnson. I also help parents resolve issues or conflicts around their parenting, and develop skills in dealing effectively with their children. |
Larry Stone, MFT |
I am a "730 Expert", on the Court approved lists for the Family Law Courts in Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties for:
I am available for Child Custody Evaluations and other Family Court related work throughout California. I am an experienced private mediator, specializing primarily in divorce and custody issues. I am able to help you develop an effective and appropriate parenting plan, and guide you through the entire divorce process. I have also trained in Collaborative Divorce, and am available to function as a Divorce Coach or Child Specialist on a Collaborative Divorce team. I am the author of "Divorcing Peacefully: Why It's Essential and How To Do It", available at www.DivorcingPeacefully.com. |
Check out the links below to the pages on this sitePsychotherapy: Supportive and caring individual psychotherapy to help you work through both current life issues and/or deep and unresolved past trauma. Work with both short term, goal oriented therapy and long term depth psychotherapy, as appropriate for each individual client. Experienced working with survivors of molest and other traumatic child abuse, and clients suffering from post traumatic stress. Couples Counseling: Work with couples on a wide variety of relationship issues, including those trying to recover from infidelity or struggling with other difficult concerns. Work effectively with couples in all degrees of conflict, including those in high conflict relationships. Trained in EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples). Coparenting Counseling: Accept Court referrals for mandated coparenting counseling, as well as work with divorced parents who are choosing to learn to work together for the sake of their children. Experienced working with parents both during and after divorce, including high conflict adversarial divorce. Effective at helping reduce the level of conflict and helping parents create a healthy working environment as coparents. Mediation: Experienced as a divorce and custody mediator, helping couples who want to avoid the trauma of high conflict adversarial divorce to peacefully end their marriage and work out effective solutions to minimize the pain for the entire family. This is especially important for the children in the family. Collaborative Divorce: Trained in the team approach to Collaborative Divorce, and available for participation on a Collaborative team as either a Divorce Coach or a Child Specialist. Court Appointed Child Custody Evaluations: Qualified "730 expert", working with the Family Law Courts in multiple jurisdictions to help resolve custody disputes in the best possible way. PUBLICATION: "Divorcing Peacefully: Why It's Essential and How To Do It" |
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